Strona 8 z 11

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

: 02 maja 2024, 18:40
autor: wojzakop19
Notowanie 163 (08.05.2005):
1 1 9 Daniel Powter - Bad Day
2 3 9 Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes
3 4 8 The Corrs - Confidence For Quiet
4 6 8 Tina Turner - Complicated Disaster
5 2 10 Garbage - Why Do You Love Me?
6 10 6 Lerek - Bo bez ciebie
7 7 7 Ana Johnsson - Coz I Can
8 11 6 Narcotic Thrust - I Like It
9 15 5 Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
10 5 9 Goya - Smak słów
11 16 5 Patrick Nuo - Beautiful
12 8 11 Rob Thomas - Lonely No More
13 12 7 Bryan Adams - Room Service
14 13 7 Paolo Meneguzzi - Non Capiva Che L'amavo
15 18 5 Czerwone Gitary - Senny szept
16 19 4 IRA - Parę chwil
17 20 4 Shakira feat. Alejandro Sanz - La Tortura
18 9 10 Melanie C - Next Best Superstar
19 22 4 3 Doors Down - It's Not Me
20 23 3 Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
21 25 3 Within Temptation - Angels
22 26 2 Vir - Trzy dni
23 24 3 Imogen Heap - Goodnight and Go
24 27 2 Foo Fighters - Best of You
25 14 11 J Five - Find a Way
26 17 12 Natalie Imbruglia - Shiver
27 28 2 Oasis - Lyla
28 29 2 Morcheeba - Wonders Never Cease
29 30 2 Coldplay - Speed of Sound
30 NE 1 R.E.M. - Electron Blue

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

: 02 maja 2024, 18:41
autor: wojzakop19
Notowanie 164 (15.05.2005):
1 1 10 Daniel Powter - Bad Day
2 6 7 Lerek - Bo bez ciebie
3 3 9 The Corrs - Confidence For Quiet
4 4 9 Tina Turner - Complicated Disaster
5 7 8 Ana Johnsson - Coz I Can
6 9 6 Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
7 2 10 Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes
8 8 7 Narcotic Thrust - I Like It
9 11 6 Patrick Nuo - Beautiful
10 5 11 Garbage - Why Do You Love Me?
11 14 8 Paolo Meneguzzi - Non Capiva Che L'amavo
12 16 5 IRA - Parę chwil
13 17 5 Shakira feat. Alejandro Sanz - La Tortura
14 13 8 Bryan Adams - Room Service
15 15 6 Czerwone Gitary - Senny szept
16 19 5 3 Doors Down - It's Not Me
17 10 10 Goya - Smak słów
18 22 3 Vir - Trzy dni
19 12 12 Rob Thomas - Lonely No More
20 20 4 Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
21 21 4 Within Temptation - Angels
22 23 4 Imogen Heap - Goodnight and Go
23 24 3 Foo Fighters - Best of You
24 27 3 Oasis - Lyla
25 28 3 Morcheeba - Wonders Never Cease
26 29 3 Coldplay - Speed of Sound
27 30 2 R.E.M. - Electron Blue
28 NE 1 Turin Brakes - Fishing For a Dream
29 NE 1 Freefaller - Good Enough For You
30 NE 1 Verba - Pamiętasz

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

: 02 maja 2024, 18:41
autor: wojzakop19
Notowanie 165 (22.05.2005):
1 1 11 Daniel Powter - Bad Day
2 2 8 Lerek - Bo bez ciebie
3 6 7 Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
4 9 7 Patrick Nuo - Beautiful
5 5 9 Ana Johnsson - Coz I Can
6 3 10 The Corrs - Confidence For Quiet
7 12 6 IRA - Parę chwil
8 4 10 Tina Turner - Complicated Disaster
9 11 9 Paolo Meneguzzi - Non Capiva Che L'amavo
10 13 6 Shakira feat. Alejandro Sanz - La Tortura
11 15 7 Czerwone Gitary - Senny szept
12 16 6 3 Doors Down - It's Not Me
13 18 4 Vir - Trzy dni
14 7 11 Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes
15 8 8 Narcotic Thrust - I Like It
16 20 5 Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
17 21 5 Within Temptation - Angels
18 10 12 Garbage - Why Do You Love Me?
19 22 5 Imogen Heap - Goodnight and Go
20 23 4 Foo Fighters - Best of You
21 14 9 Bryan Adams - Room Service
22 24 4 Oasis - Lyla
23 25 4 Morcheeba - Wonders Never Cease
24 26 4 Coldplay - Speed of Sound
25 27 3 R.E.M. - Electron Blue
26 17 11 Goya - Smak słów
27 28 2 Turin Brakes - Fishing For a Dream
28 29 2 Freefaller - Good Enough For You
29 30 2 Verba - Pamiętasz
30 NE 1 Kasia Kowalska - Domek z kart

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

: 02 maja 2024, 18:41
autor: wojzakop19
Notowanie 166 (29.05.2005):
1 2 9 Lerek - Bo bez ciebie
2 3 8 Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
3 4 8 Patrick Nuo - Beautiful
4 1 12 Daniel Powter - Bad Day
5 7 7 IRA - Parę chwil
6 10 7 Shakira feat. Alejandro Sanz - La Tortura
7 11 8 Czerwone Gitary - Senny szept
8 13 5 Vir - Trzy dni
9 12 7 3 Doors Down - It's Not Me
10 5 10 Ana Johnsson - Coz I Can
11 6 11 The Corrs - Confidence For Quiet
12 16 6 Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
13 17 6 Within Temptation - Angels
14 8 11 Tina Turner - Complicated Disaster
15 9 10 Paolo Meneguzzi - Non Capiva Che L'amavo
16 20 5 Foo Fighters - Best of You
17 22 5 Oasis - Lyla
18 19 6 Imogen Heap - Goodnight and Go
19 25 4 R.E.M. - Electron Blue
20 24 5 Coldplay - Speed of Sound
21 14 12 Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes
22 27 3 Turin Brakes - Fishing For a Dream
23 15 9 Narcotic Thrust - I Like It
24 23 5 Morcheeba - Wonders Never Cease
25 28 3 Freefaller - Good Enough For You
26 29 3 Verba - Pamiętasz
27 30 2 Kasia Kowalska - Domek z kart
28 NE 1 LeAnn Rimes - Probably Wouldn't Be This Way
29 NE 1 Joana Zimmer - I Believe
30 NE 1 Simple Plan - Untitled

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

: 02 maja 2024, 18:42
autor: wojzakop19
Notowanie 167 (05.06.2005):
1 2 9 Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
2 3 9 Patrick Nuo - Beautiful
3 7 9 Czerwone Gitary - Senny szept
4 8 6 Vir - Trzy dni
5 6 8 Shakira feat. Alejandro Sanz - La Tortura
6 1 10 Lerek - Bo bez ciebie
7 9 8 3 Doors Down - It's Not Me
8 5 8 IRA - Parę chwil
9 12 7 Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
10 13 7 Within Temptation - Angels
11 4 13 Daniel Powter - Bad Day
12 16 6 Foo Fighters - Best of You
13 17 6 Oasis - Lyla
14 19 5 R.E.M. - Electron Blue
15 18 7 Imogen Heap - Goodnight and Go
16 20 6 Coldplay - Speed of Sound
17 10 11 Ana Johnsson - Coz I Can
18 11 12 The Corrs - Confidence For Quiet
19 22 4 Turin Brakes - Fishing For a Dream
20 14 12 Tina Turner - Complicated Disaster
21 25 4 Freefaller - Good Enough For You
22 26 4 Verba - Pamiętasz
23 27 3 Kasia Kowalska - Domek z kart
24 28 2 LeAnn Rimes - Probably Wouldn't Be This Way
25 29 2 Joana Zimmer - I Believe (Give a Little Bit)
26 30 2 Simple Plan - Untitled
27 15 11 Paolo Meneguzzi - Non Capiva Che L'amavo
28 NE 1 Jeden Osiem L - Pytam kiedy
29 NE 1 Def Leppard - No Matter What
30 NE 1 Blue - Only Words I Know

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

: 02 maja 2024, 18:42
autor: wojzakop19
Notowanie 168 (12.06.2005):
1 4 7 Vir - Trzy dni
2 3 10 Czerwone Gitary - Senny szept
3 2 10 Patrick Nuo - Beautiful
4 1 10 Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
5 9 8 Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
6 10 8 Within Temptation - Angels
7 12 7 Foo Fighters - Best of You
8 13 7 Oasis - Lyla
9 14 6 R.E.M. - Electron Blue
10 7 9 3 Doors Down - It's Not Me
11 5 9 Shakira feat. Alejandro Sanz - La Tortura
12 6 11 Lerek - Bo bez ciebie
13 16 7 Coldplay - Speed of Sound
14 8 9 IRA - Parę chwil
15 19 5 Turin Brakes - Fishing For a Dream
16 21 5 Freefaller - Good Enough For You
17 23 4 Kasia Kowalska - Domek z kart
18 24 3 LeAnn Rimes - Probably Wouldn't Be This Way
19 22 5 Verba - Pamiętasz
20 25 3 Joana Zimmer - I Believe (Give a Little Bit)
21 11 14 Daniel Powter - Bad Day
22 26 3 Simple Plan - Untitled
23 15 8 Imogen Heap - Goodnight and Go
24 28 2 Jeden Osiem L - Pytam kiedy
25 29 2 Def Leppard - No Matter What
26 30 2 Blue - Only Words I Know
27 17 12 Ana Johnsson - Coz I Can
28 NE 1 Szymon Wydra - Życie jak poemat
29 NE 1 Alter Bridge - Broken Wings
30 NE 1 U2 - City of Blinding Lights

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

: 02 maja 2024, 18:42
autor: wojzakop19
Notowanie 169 (19.06.2005):
1 1 8 Vir - Trzy Dni
2 5 9 Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
3 6 9 Within Temptation - Angels
4 8 8 Oasis - Lyla
5 9 7 R.E.M. - Electron Blue
6 13 8 Coldplay - Speed of Sound
7 4 11 Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
8 2 11 Czerwone Gitary - Senny szept
9 15 6 Turin Brakes - Fishing For a Dream
10 7 8 Foo Fighters - Best of You
11 3 11 Patrick Nuo - Beautiful
12 16 6 Freefaller - Good Enough For You
13 17 5 Kasia Kowalska - Domek z kart
14 18 4 LeAnn Rimes - Probably Wouldn't Be This Way
15 10 10 3 Doors Down - It's Not Me
16 19 6 Verba - Pamiętasz
17 20 4 Joana Zimmer - I Believe (Give a Little Bit)
18 11 10 Shakira feat. Alejandro Sanz - La Tortura
19 22 4 Simple Plan - Untitled
20 12 12 Lerek - Bo Bez Ciebie
21 14 10 IRA - Parę chwil
22 24 3 Jeden Osiem L - Pytam kiedy
23 25 3 Def Leppard - No Matter What
24 26 3 Blue - Only Words I Know
25 28 2 Szymon Wydra - Życie jak poemat
26 29 2 Alter Bridge - Broken Wings
27 30 2 U2 - City of Blinding Lights
28 NE 1 Lene Marlin - How Would It Be
29 NE 1 Natalie Imbruglia - Counting Down The Days
30 NE 1 Faith Evans - Again

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

: 02 maja 2024, 18:43
autor: wojzakop19
Notowanie 170 (26.06.2005):
1 1 9 Vir - Trzy dni
2 4 9 Oasis - Lyla
3 5 8 R.E.M. - Electron Blue
4 2 10 Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
5 3 10 Within Temptation - Angels
6 9 7 Turin Brakes - Fishing For a Dream
7 12 7 Freefaller - Good Enough For You
8 13 6 Kasia Kowalska - Domek z kart
9 6 9 Coldplay - Speed of Sound
10 14 5 LeAnn Rimes - Probably Wouldn't Be This Way
11 16 7 Verba - Pamiętasz
12 17 5 Joana Zimmer - I Believe (Give a Little Bit)
13 7 12 Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
14 8 12 Czerwone Gitary - Senny szept
15 10 9 Foo Fighters - Best of You
16 19 5 Simple Plan - Untitled
17 22 4 Jeden Osiem L - Pytam kiedy
18 23 4 Def Leppard - No Matter What
19 11 12 Patrick Nuo - Beautiful
20 24 4 Blue - Only Words I Know
21 15 11 3 Doors Down - It's Not Me
22 25 3 Szymon Wydra - Życie jak poemat
23 26 3 Alter Bridge - Broken Wings
24 27 3 U2 - City of Blinding Lights
25 28 2 Lene Marlin - How Would It Be
26 29 2 Natalie Imbruglia - Counting Down The Days
27 30 2 Faith Evans - Again
28 NE 1 Keane - Bedshaped
29 NE 1 Paolo Meneguzzi - Sara
30 NE 1 Melanie C - Better Alone

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

: 05 maja 2024, 20:06
autor: wojzakop19
Notowanie 171 (03.07.2005):
1 3 9 R.E.M. - Electron Blue
2 1 10 Vir - Trzy dni
3 11 8 Verba - Pamiętasz
4 12 6 Joana Zimmer - I Believe (Give a Little Bit)
5 8 7 Kasia Kowalska - Domek z kart
6 2 10 Oasis - Lyla
7 10 6 LeAnn Rimes - Probably Wouldn't Be This Way
8 4 11 Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
9 5 11 Within Temptation - Angels
10 6 8 Turin Brakes - Fishing For a Dream
11 7 8 Freefaller - Good Enough For You
12 9 10 Coldplay - Speed of Sound
13 16 6 Simple Plan - Untitled
14 17 5 Jeden Osiem L - Pytam kiedy
15 18 5 Def Leppard - No Matter What
16 20 5 Blue - Only Words I Know
17 13 13 Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
18 22 4 Szymon Wydra - Życie jak poemat
19 23 4 Alter Bridge - Broken Wings
20 24 4 U2 - City of Blinding Lights
21 14 13 Czerwone Gitary - Senny szept
22 15 10 Foo Fighters - Best of You
23 25 3 Lene Marlin - How Would It Be
24 26 3 Natalie Imbruglia - Counting Down The Days
25 27 3 Faith Evans - Again
26 28 2 Keane - Bedshaped
27 29 2 Paolo Meneguzzi - Sara
28 30 2 Melanie C - Better Alone
29 NE 1 Ben Moody feat. Anastacia - Everything Burns
30 NE 1 Garbage - Run Baby Run

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

: 05 maja 2024, 20:07
autor: wojzakop19
Notowanie 172 (10.07.2005):
1 4 7 Joana Zimmer - I Believe (Give a Little Bit)
2 1 10 R.E.M. - Electron Blue
3 2 11 Vir - Trzy dni
4 3 9 Verba - Pamiętasz
5 13 7 Simple Plan - Untitled
6 14 6 Jeden Osiem L - Pytam kiedy
7 5 8 Kasia Kowalska - Domek z kart
8 15 6 Def Leppard - No Matter What
9 16 6 Blue - Only Words I Know
10 18 5 Szymon Wydra - Życie jak poemat
11 7 7 LeAnn Rimes - Probably Wouldn't Be This Way
12 6 11 Oasis - Lyla
13 19 5 Alter Bridge - Broken Wings
14 20 5 U2 - City of Blinding Lights
15 8 12 Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
16 9 12 Within Temptation - Angels
17 10 9 Turin Brakes - Fishing For a Dream
18 11 9 Freefaller - Good Enough For You
19 12 11 Coldplay - Speed of Sound
20 23 4 Lene Marlin - How Would It Be
21 24 4 Natalie Imbruglia - Counting Down The Days
22 25 4 Faith Evans - Again
23 17 14 Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
24 26 3 Keane - Bedshaped
25 27 3 Paolo Meneguzzi - Sara
26 28 3 Melanie C - Better Alone
27 29 2 Ben Moody feat. Anastacia - Everything Burns
28 30 2 Garbage - Run Baby Run
29 NE 1 Kelly Clarkson - Because of You
30 NE 1 Britney Spears - Someday (I Will Understand)