Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

Prywatny dział Wojzakopa19
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Posty: 896
Rejestracja: 28 wrz 2022, 18:13
Lokalizacja: Opole

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

Post autor: wojzakop19 »

Notowanie 183 (25.09.2005):
1 4 8 Bon Jovi - Have a Nice Day
2 5 6 Joana Zimmer - I've Learned to Walk Alone
3 2 10 Lisa Stansfield - If I Hadn't Got You
4 3 9 Goya - Mój
5 1 10 Kindla - Nie tak to miało być
6 6 11 Virgin - Znak pokoju
7 11 8 Shakira - No
8 12 7 Daniel Powter - Jimmy Gets High
9 10 9 Turin Brakes - Over and Over
10 13 7 Coldplay - Fix You
11 14 6 Sheryl Crow - Good Is Good
12 15 5 Texas - Getaway
13 7 10 Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
14 9 10 Duran Duran - Finest Hour
15 8 13 Garbage - Run Baby Run
16 18 6 Avril Lavigne - Fall to Pieces
17 19 5 HIM - The Wings of a Butterfly
18 21 5 Verba - Słuchaj skarbie
19 22 4 Melissa Etheridge - Refugee
20 23 4 Oasis - Importance of Being Idle
21 24 3 Santana feat. Michelle Branch - I'm Feeling You
22 25 3 The Rasmus - No Fear
23 26 3 Lee Ryan - Army of Lovers
24 27 2 Nickelback - Photograph
25 28 2 Keane - Bend & Break
26 29 2 Foo Fighters - DOA
27 30 2 Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands
28 NE 1 Alanis Morissette - Crazy
29 NE 1 The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer
30 NE 1 PIN - Bo to co dla mnie
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Posty: 896
Rejestracja: 28 wrz 2022, 18:13
Lokalizacja: Opole

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

Post autor: wojzakop19 »

Notowanie 184 (02.10.2005):
1 2 7 Joana Zimmer - I've Learned to Walk Alone
2 1 9 Bon Jovi - Have a Nice Day
3 8 8 Daniel Powter - Jimmy Gets High
4 11 7 Sheryl Crow - Good Is Good
5 7 9 Shakira - No
6 3 11 Lisa Stansfield - If I Hadn't Got You
7 4 10 Goya - Mój
8 10 8 Coldplay - Fix You
9 12 6 Texas - Getaway
10 17 6 HIM - Wings of a Butterfly
11 5 11 Kindla - Nie tak to miało być
12 6 12 Virgin - Znak pokoju
13 16 7 Avril Lavigne - Fall to Pieces
14 9 10 Turin Brakes - Over and Over
15 18 6 Verba - Słuchaj skarbie
16 19 5 Melissa Etheridge - Refugee
17 20 5 Oasis - Importance of Being Idle
18 21 4 Santana feat. Michelle Branch - I'm Feeling You
19 22 4 The Rasmus - No Fear
20 23 4 Lee Ryan - Army of Lovers
21 24 3 Nickelback - Photograph
22 25 3 Keane - Bend & Break
23 26 3 Foo Fighters - DOA
24 14 11 Duran Duran - Finest Hour
25 27 3 Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands
26 28 2 Alanis Morissette - Crazy
27 29 2 The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer
28 30 2 PIN - Bo to co dla mnie
29 13 11 Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
30 NE 1 Backstreet Boys - Just Want You To Know
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Posty: 896
Rejestracja: 28 wrz 2022, 18:13
Lokalizacja: Opole

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

Post autor: wojzakop19 »

Notowanie 185 (09.10.2005):
1 1 8 Joana Zimmer - I've Learned to Walk Alone
2 4 8 Sheryl Crow - Good Is Good
3 2 10 Bon Jovi - Have a Nice Day
4 3 9 Daniel Powter - Jimmy Gets High
5 5 10 Shakira - No
6 10 7 HIM - Wings of a Butterfly
7 9 7 Texas - Getaway
8 8 9 Coldplay - Fix You
9 13 8 Avril Lavigne - Fall to Pieces
10 15 7 Verba - Słuchaj skarbie
11 6 12 Lisa Stansfield - If I Hadn't Got You
12 16 6 Melissa Etheridge - Refugee
13 17 6 Oasis - Importance of Being Idle
14 7 11 Goya - Mój
15 18 5 Santana feat. Michelle Branch - I'm Feeling You
16 19 5 The Rasmus - No Fear
17 20 5 Lee Ryan - Army of Lovers
18 21 4 Nickelback - Photograph
19 22 4 Keane - Bend & Break
20 23 4 Foo Fighters - DOA
21 25 4 Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands
22 26 3 Alanis Morissette - Crazy
23 27 3 The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer
24 11 12 Kindla - Nie tak to miało być
25 12 13 Virgin - Znak pokoju
26 28 3 PIN - Bo to co dla mnie
27 14 11 Turin Brakes - Over and Over
28 30 2 Backstreet Boys - Just Want You to Know
29 NE 1 Shania Twain - Shoes
30 NE 1 Death Cab For Cutie - Soul Meets Body
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Posty: 896
Rejestracja: 28 wrz 2022, 18:13
Lokalizacja: Opole

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

Post autor: wojzakop19 »

Notowanie 186 (16.10.2005):
1 1 9 Joana Zimmer - I've Learned to Walk Alone
2 2 9 Sheryl Crow - Good Is Good
3 6 8 HIM - Wings of a Butterfly
4 3 11 Bon Jovi - Have a Nice Day
5 10 8 Verba - Słuchaj skarbie
6 12 7 Melissa Etheridge - Refugee
7 4 10 Daniel Powter - Jimmy Gets High
8 13 7 Oasis - Importance of Being Idle
9 15 6 Santana feat. Michelle Branch - I'm Feeling You
10 5 11 Shakira - No
11 16 6 The Rasmus - No Fear
12 7 8 Texas - Getaway
13 17 6 Lee Ryan - Army of Lovers
14 18 5 Nickelback - Photograph
15 8 10 Coldplay - Fix You
16 9 9 Avril Lavigne - Fall to Pieces
17 19 5 Keane - Bend & Break
18 20 5 Foo Fighters - DOA
19 21 5 Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands
20 22 4 Alanis Morissette - Crazy
21 23 4 The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer
22 11 13 Lisa Stansfield - If I Hadn't Got You
23 26 4 PIN - Bo to co dla mnie
24 28 3 Backstreet Boys - Just Want You to Know
25 14 12 Goya - Mój
26 29 2 Shania Twain - Shoes
27 30 2 Death Cab For Cutie - Soul Meets Body
28 NE 1 Simply Red - Perfect Love
29 NE 1 Simple Plan - Crazy
30 NE 1 Marcin Nowakowski - You Are The Sun
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Posty: 896
Rejestracja: 28 wrz 2022, 18:13
Lokalizacja: Opole

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

Post autor: wojzakop19 »

Notowanie 187 (23.10.2005):
1 1 10 Joana Zimmer - I've Learned to Walk Alone
2 3 9 HIM - of a Butterfly
3 5 9 Verba - Słuchaj skarbie
4 2 10 Sheryl Crow - Good Is Good
5 6 8 Melissa Etheridge - Refugee
6 4 12 Bon Jovi - Have a Nice Day
7 8 8 Oasis - Importance of Being Idle
8 9 7 Santana feat. Michelle Branch - I'm Feeling You
9 11 7 The Rasmus - No Fear
10 13 7 Lee Ryan - Army of Lovers
11 14 6 Nickelback - Photograph
12 17 6 Keane - Bend & Break
13 7 11 Daniel Powter - Jimmy Gets High
14 18 6 Foo Fighters - DOA
15 19 6 Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands
16 20 5 Alanis Morissette - Crazy
17 10 12 Shakira - No
18 21 5 The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer
19 12 9 Texas - Getaway
20 23 5 PIN - Bo to co dla mnie
21 24 4 Backstreet Boys - Just Want You to Know
22 26 3 Shania Twain - Shoes
23 27 3 Death Cab For Cutie - Soul Meets Body
24 15 11 Coldplay - Fix You
25 16 10 Avril Lavigne - Fall to Pieces
26 28 2 Simply Red - Perfect Love
27 29 2 Simple Plan - Crazy
28 30 2 Marcin Nowakowski - You Are The Sun
29 NE 1 Melanie C - First Day of My Life
30 NE 1 Kindla - Za późno
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Posty: 896
Rejestracja: 28 wrz 2022, 18:13
Lokalizacja: Opole

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

Post autor: wojzakop19 »

Notowanie 188 (30.10.2005):
1 1 11 Joana Zimmer - I've Learned to Walk Alone
2 2 10 HIM - Wings of a Butterfly
3 5 9 Melissa Etheridge - Refugee
4 3 10 Verba - Słuchaj skarbie
5 9 8 The Rasmus - No Fear
6 10 8 Lee Ryan - Army of Lovers
7 11 7 Nickelback - Photograph
8 8 8 Santana feat. Michelle Branch - I'm Feeling You
9 4 11 Sheryl Crow - Good Is Good
10 12 7 Keane - Bend & Break
11 6 13 Bon Jovi - Have a Nice Day
12 7 9 Oasis - Importance of Being Idle
13 14 7 Foo Fighters - DOA
14 15 7 Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands
15 16 6 Alanis Morissette - Crazy
16 18 6 The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer
17 20 6 PIN - Bo to co dla mnie
18 21 5 Backstreet Boys - Just Want You to Know
19 22 4 Shania Twain - Shoes
20 23 4 Death Cab For Cutie - Soul Meets Body
21 13 12 Daniel Powter - Jimmy Gets High
22 26 3 Simply Red - Perfect Love
23 27 3 Simple Plan - Crazy
24 28 3 Marcin Nowakowski - You Are The Sun
25 29 2 Melanie C - First Day of My Life
26 30 2 Kindla - Za późno
27 17 13 Shakira - No
28 19 10 Texas - Getaway
29 NE 1 Anastacia - Pieces of a Dream
30 NE 1 Lene Marlin - What If
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Posty: 896
Rejestracja: 28 wrz 2022, 18:13
Lokalizacja: Opole

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

Post autor: wojzakop19 »

Notowanie 189 (06.11.2005):
1 2 11 HIM - Wings of a Butterfly
2 3 10 Melissa Etheridge - Refugee
3 5 9 The Rasmus - No Fear
4 7 8 Nickelback - Photograph
5 1 12 Joana Zimmer - I've Learned to Walk Alone
6 10 8 Keane - Bend & Break
7 13 8 Foo Fighters - DOA
8 6 9 Lee Ryan - Army of Lovers
9 14 8 Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands
10 15 7 Alanis Morissette - Crazy
11 4 11 Verba - Słuchaj skarbie
12 16 7 The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer
13 8 9 Santana feat. Michelle Branch - I'm Feeling You
14 17 7 PIN - Bo to co dla mnie
15 18 6 Backstreet Boys - Just Want You to Know
16 9 12 Sheryl Crow - Good Is Good
17 19 5 Shania Twain - Shoes
18 20 5 Death Cab For Cutie - Soul Meets Body
19 22 4 Simply Red - Perfect Love
20 11 14 Bon Jovi - Have a Nice Day
21 23 4 Simple Plan - Crazy
22 12 10 Oasis - Importance of Being Idle
23 24 4 Marcin Nowakowski - You Are The Sun
24 25 3 Melanie C - First Day of My Life
25 26 3 Kindla - Za późno
26 29 2 Anastacia - Pieces of a Dream
27 30 2 Lene Marlin - What If
28 NE 1 The Corrs - Old Town
29 NE 1 D-Side feat. Antony Costa - Sacrifice
30 NE 1 3 Doors Down - Here By Me
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Posty: 896
Rejestracja: 28 wrz 2022, 18:13
Lokalizacja: Opole

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

Post autor: wojzakop19 »

Notowanie 190 (13.11.2005):
1 4 9 Nickelback - Photograph
2 6 9 Keane - Bend & Break
3 10 8 Alanis Morissette - Crazy
4 1 12 HIM - Wings of a Butterfly
5 2 11 Melissa Etheridge - Refugee
6 3 10 The Rasmus - No Fear
7 9 9 Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands
8 7 9 Foo Fighters - DOA
9 12 8 The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer
10 5 13 Joana Zimmer - I've Learned to Walk Alone
11 14 8 PIN - Bo to co dla mnie
12 15 7 Backstreet Boys - Just Want You to Know
13 17 6 Shania Twain - Shoes
14 18 6 Death Cab For Cutie - Soul Meets Body
15 19 5 Simply Red - Perfect Love
16 8 10 Lee Ryan - Army of Lovers
17 21 5 Simple Plan - Crazy
18 23 5 Marcin Nowakowski - You Are The Sun
19 24 4 Melanie C - First Day of My Life
20 13 10 Santana feat. Michelle Branch - I'm Feeling You
21 25 4 Kindla - Za późno
22 26 3 Anastacia - Pieces of a Dream
23 27 3 Lene Marlin - What If
24 28 2 The Corrs - Old Town
25 29 2 D-Side feat. Antony Costa - Sacrifice
26 11 12 Verba - Słuchaj skarbie
27 16 13 Sheryl Crow - Good Is Good
28 30 2 3 Doors Down - Here By Me
29 NE 1 Bon Jovi - Welcome to Wherever You Are
30 NE 1 The Rasmus - Sail Away
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 896
Rejestracja: 28 wrz 2022, 18:13
Lokalizacja: Opole

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

Post autor: wojzakop19 »

Notowanie 191 (20.11.2005):
1 1 10 Nickelback - Photograph
2 3 9 Alanis Morissette - Crazy
3 2 10 Keane - Bend & Break
4 7 10 Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands
5 9 9 The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer
6 11 9 PIN - Bo to co dla mnie
7 12 8 Backstreet Boys - Just Want You to Know
8 13 7 Shania Twain - Shoes
9 14 7 Death Cab For Cutie - Soul Meets Body
10 4 13 HIM - Wings Of A Butterfly
11 5 12 Melissa Etheridge - Refugee
12 6 11 The Rasmus - No Fear
13 15 6 Simply Red - Perfect Love
14 8 10 Foo Fighters - DOA
15 17 6 Simple Plan - Crazy
16 18 6 Marcin Nowakowski - You Are The Sun
17 19 5 Melanie C - First Day of My Life
18 10 14 Joana Zimmer - I've Learned to Walk Alone
19 21 5 Kindla - Za późno
20 22 4 Anastacia - Pieces of a Dream
21 23 4 Lene Marlin - What If
22 24 3 The Corrs - Old Town
23 25 3 D-Side feat. Antony Costa - Sacrifice
24 28 3 3 Doors Down - Here By Me
25 16 11 Lee Ryan - Army of Lovers
26 29 2 Bon Jovi - Welcome To Wherever You Are
27 30 2 The Rasmus - Sail Away
28 20 11 Santana feat. Michelle Branch - I'm Feeling You
29 NE 1 Shakira - Don't Bother
30 NE 1 The Darkness - One Way Ticket
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 896
Rejestracja: 28 wrz 2022, 18:13
Lokalizacja: Opole

Re: Archiwalne notowania 2004-2005

Post autor: wojzakop19 »

Notowanie 192 (27.11.2005):
1 2 10 Alanis Morissette - Crazy
2 7 9 Backstreet Boys - Just Want You to Know
3 1 11 Nickelback - Photograph
4 5 10 The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to Be Nicer
5 8 8 Shania Twain - Shoes
6 9 8 Death Cab For Cutie - Soul Meets Body
7 13 7 Simply Red - Perfect Love
8 3 11 Keane - Bend & Break
9 4 11 Simon Webbe - Lay Your Hands
10 6 10 PIN - Bo to co dla mnie
11 15 7 Simple Plan - Crazy
12 16 7 Marcin Nowakowski - You Are The Sun
13 17 6 Melanie C - First Day of My Life
14 19 6 Kindla - Za późno
15 20 5 Anastacia - Pieces of a Dream
16 21 5 Lene Marlin - What If
17 22 4 The Corrs - Old Town
18 23 4 D-Side feat. Antony Costa - Sacrifice
19 24 4 3 Doors Down - Here By Me
20 10 14 HIM - Wings of a Butterfly
21 11 13 Melissa Etheridge - Refugee
22 12 12 The Rasmus - No Fear
23 26 3 Bon Jovi - Welcome to Wherever You Are
24 27 3 The Rasmus - Sail Away
25 14 11 Foo Fighters - DOA
26 29 2 Shakira - Don't Bother
27 30 2 The Darkness - One Way Ticket
28 18 15 Joana Zimmer - I've Learned to Walk Alone
29 NE 1 Maryla Rodowicz & Sławek Uniatowski - Będzie to co musi być
30 NE 1 Santana feat. Steven Tyler - Just Feel Better